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Selected Alumni

Participation in the OSIF program provides students with hands-on investment experience before entering into the workforce. Hear from select OSIF Alumni about their experiences with the fund and how it has prepared them for industry.

“This is a learning opportunity, make the most out of it and have fun while you’re at it.”

KATHERINE A. PORRAS – Investment Officer, Meyer Memorial Trust

“In the OSIF course you learn the communication skills you need when you put something together you have to learn to defend it.”

KARAN IRADDI – Financial Analyst, Google Play

“I feel like the best way you can learn is by being able to make those mistakes in the classroom. It’s an invaluable experience.”

ELIZABETH HARTMAN – Senior Analyst, Intel

“The biggest thing I got out of it is that you can go out and start your own investment firm.”

NATE BAIM – Investment Planner

“To be able to say I’ve been part of investment decisions in this way made a difference. I had someone tell me at my job, don’t discount that

JACKSON LEWIS – Investment Analyst, Columbia Trust

Alumni of the O’Neill Student Investment Fund are encouraged to join the OSIF Alumni group on LinkedIn to stay connected with the program.